from operator import * from functools import reduce import turtle def deltas(L): """Given that L is a sequence of N items, return the (N-1)-item sequence (L[1]-L[0], L[2]-L[1],...).""" return map(sub, tuple(L)[1:], L) def indent_lines(s, n): """The result of indenting each line in s by n spaces.""" return "\n".join(map(lambda line: " " * n + line, s.split('\n'))) # print(indent_lines(open("afile").read(), 4)) import re def indent_lines(s, n): return re.sub(r'(?m)^', ' ' * n, s) def values_demos(): eval('200') eval('None') eval('1 + 2 +' + ' 3') curry = eval('lambda f: lambda x: lambda y: f(x, y)') curry(add)(3)(4) def string_demos(): 'here' in "Where's Waldo?" 'Mississippi'.count('i') 'Mississippi'.count('issi') hex(ord('A')) print('\a') print('1\n2\n3') from unicodedata import lookup, name name('a') lookup('WHITE FROWNING FACE') lookup('SNOWMAN') lookup('SKULL AND CROSSBONES') lookup('THAI CHARACTER KHOMUT') frown = lookup('WHITE FROWNING FACE') len(frown) len(frown.encode('utf8')) dir('') "hello".capitalize() "hello".upper() map_demo = map(print, (1,2,3,4)) def fib(k): """Compute the kth Fibonacci number. >>> fib(1) 0 >>> fib(2) 1 >>> fib(11) 55 """ if k == 1: return 0 previous, current = 0, 1 # current is the second Fibonacci number. for _ in range(k-2): previous, current = current, previous + current return current def even(n): return n % 2 == 0 def sum_even_fibs(n): """Sum the first n even Fibonacci numbers. >>> sum_even_fibs(10) 44 >>> sum(map(fib, filter(even, range(1, 11)))) 55 """ return sum(filter(even, map(fib, range(1, n+1)))) def first(s): return s[0] def capitalized(s): return len(s) > 0 and s[0].isupper() def acronym(name): """Return a tuple of the letters that form the acronym for name. >>> acronym('University of California Berkeley') ('U', 'C', 'B') """ return tuple(map(first, filter(capitalized, name.split()))) def acronym_gen(name): """Return a tuple of the letters that form the acronym for name. >>> acronym_gen('University of California Berkeley') ('U', 'C', 'B') """ return tuple(w[0] for w in name.split() if capitalized(w)) berkeley = 'University of California Berkeley' acronym(berkeley) ### The Game of Life (with immutable data) ### def rotate2(A, dr, dc): """Given that A is a 2-dimensional sequence the result of rotating each row of A by DC columns and each column by DR rows. That is, a new 2D tuple, B, in which B[r+dr][c+dc] is A[r][c], wrapping at the ends. >>> rotate2( ((1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6), (7, 8, 9), (10, 11, 12)), 1, -1) ((11, 12, 10), (2, 3, 1), (5, 6, 4), (8, 9, 7))""" def rotate(R, d): # Negative slice indices count from the right. if d < 0: return R[-len(R)-d: ] + R[0: -d] else: return R[-d:] + R[0: len(R)-d] rows = tuple(map(lambda row: rotate(row, dc), A)) return rotate(rows, dr) def map2(f, A, B): """Given that A and B are 2-dimensional sequences, the result of applying f to corresponding elements of A and B(as a tuple of tuples). Extra rows or columns in one or the other argument are thrown away. >>> map2(add, [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]], [[7, 8, 9], [10, 11, 12]]) ((8, 10, 12), (14, 16, 18)) """ return tuple(map(lambda ra, rb: tuple(map(f, ra, rb)), A, B)) def neighbor_count(A): """Given a life board A, the number of neighbors corresponding to each cell as a tuple of tuples, assuming the board wraps around. >>> neighbor_count(((0, 0, 0, 0), ... (0, 1, 0, 0), ... (0, 1, 1, 0), ... (0, 0, 0, 0))) ((1, 1, 1, 0), (2, 2, 3, 1), (2, 2, 2, 1), (1, 2, 2, 1)) """ sum2 = lambda A, B: map2(add, A, B) neighbors = ((-1, -1), (-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, -1), (0, 1), (1, -1), (1, 0), (1, 1)) return reduce(sum2, map(lambda d: rotate2(A, d[0], d[1]), neighbors)) def next_alive(neighbors, occupants): """Returns the number of occupants of a Life cell in the next generation if that cell currently contains OCCUPANTS organisms (0 or 1) and NEIGHBORS occupied neighbor cells.""" return bool((occupants == 0 and neighbors == 3) or (occupants == 1 and 2 <= neighbors <= 3)) def life_generation(A): """The next Life generation after A (assuming the board wraps around).""" return map2(next_alive, neighbor_count(A), A) def pb(A): print('\n'.join(map(lambda R: reduce(add, map(lambda x: ".*"[x], R)), A))) def make_shape(rows, cols, shape): board = [ [0] * cols for r in range(rows) ] for row, col in shape: board[row][col] = 1 return board def print_generations(start, n): """Print N generations of Life, played on a wrapped board, starting with START. Returns the last generation.""" pb(start) for c in range(n): print("---") start = life_generation(start) pb(start) return start def display_generations(start, n): disp(start) for c in range(n): start = life_generation(start) disp(start) return start GLIDER = (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2) def disp(A, cellsize = 1 / 10.5): turtle.clear() turtle.shape("square") turtle.penup() turtle.speed(0) turtle.shapesize(0.5, 0.5, 1) top = len(A) / cellsize left = -len(A[0]) / cellsize for r in range(len(A)): for c in range(len(A[r])): if A[r][c]: turtle.goto(c * 10.5 + left, top - r * 10.5) turtle.stamp()